Radius gauge external + internal


These gauges can measure internal and external radiuses in range 40-2000, 5-2000, 40-15000, 5-15000 mm.

SKU: 1250511017 Категорії: ,

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External & Internal radius computerized gauge developed by MICROTECH.

These gauges can measuring internal and external radiuses in range 40-2000, 5-2000, 40-15000, 5-15000 mm.

Main advantage of this radius gauge is using computerized measuring system from MICROTECH.
It gives possibility have 1 micron resolution and higher accuracy, then competitors gauges.
Also computerized measuring module of indicator equipped with internal memory, Go/NoGo functions with color indication, Max/min, Formula function, manual temperature and error compensation.
Color display and Touchscreen provides high usability of sub-micron indicator.
It’s not necessary spend extra money for batteries, about Built in rechargeable Li-pol battery.
Built in Wireless data transfer module gives possibility transfer measuring data and data from memory to MICROTECH MDS software. There are modifications of Software for Windows, Android, iOS devices

You can download MICROTECH MDS app from Link to MDS app’s

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